Hi, my name is Jason, and I like to plant trees!
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(Not to suggest that a banana is a tree) |
Senegalese Name: Ousmane Minté
Originally from: Northern San Francisco Bay Area
Now living in: Dar Salaam, Kédougou, Senegal
I want to believe: that there is still a space in our world of media for relatively long-form storytelling, and that a blog can provide such a platform. I hope that extensive details may enrich, rather than weigh down the stories I tell here, and provide a textured understanding of our infinitely textured world. But all the same, my words are bound to be inadequate, and my posts too infrequent.
As George Orwell said: "I hope to write another book [blog post] fairly soon. It is bound to be a failure. Every book [blog post] is a failure, but I do know with some clarity what kind of book [blog post] I want to write." (Why I Write, George Orwell, 1947.)
So what can I say? I will write. I will forsake brevity. I will attempt to convey detail, depth and meaning.
Please enjoy. I appreciate feedback of any kind.
What to do now: Go back to the start of the numbered blogs (November 2013) to read about my experience in Peace Corps Senegal from the beginning. All blogs before numbering are pre-Peace Corps.
I should mention that: All opinions expressed here are mine and mine alone, and in no way reflect the positions of the United States Government or the Peace Corps.
In case you were wondering: My mailing address here is;
Jason Andrews
Corps de la Paix
BP 37, Kedougou
Senegal West Africa
Profile picture: Taken by Senegal PCV Ian Huei-Yau in his village of Ségou.
Hello Jason, I am trying to get your contact info to chat with you about agriculture activities in Senegal. What is the best way to contact you?
Please contact me at paul.clastre@gmail.com