Monday, February 4, 2013

The best birth control in the world is for men.

Link: The best birth control in the world is for men.

I’m surprised I never new about this until a couple weeks ago. Seems like this should be more commonly known about and utilized

I don’t think that it is radical to say that there a cultural stigma which presupposes that women will be the ones to think about birth control. The woman is supposed to get an IUD, or go on birth control pills, or whatever. Then Mr. doofus McMan shows up decides its time to party— totally detached from such concerns.  Generally speaking there seems to be less responsibility assigned to men when it comes to the issue of birth control, as if it mattered less, and the woman’s body is of none of his concern. Men aren’t expected to care about birth control, even though with this method it could not be simpler…

Suffice to say I am glad this exists.